Introducing Devum’s Microservices Framework

  • What Is It ?

  • What Can I Use it For?

  • How Can It Help Me?

A Low-code Interface to Build Customised Microservices

A microservice is a software development architecture that operates around structuring software applications as a series of services comprised of multiple acute functions. Services are used to achieve complex logic often required for software applications.

Devum’s Microservices is part of its ground breaking Fluent Services functionality that allows Devum users to extend and customise their Devum-built applications further without the shackles and limitations associated with low-code platforms.

Empower developers to extend Devum further

Extend the Power of Devum Even Further

Devum Microservice framework provides a set of interfaces and other infrastructure to create microservices in the simplest way possible. Professional developers can write custom code, then package them using Devum Microservice framework and deploy them anywhere (if remote micro-service, then register with your subscribed instance).

The platform finds its way to collect all the functions and make them available for Fluent Service composition no matter where they are deployed.

Automate mission-critical business processes using an extensive task library that requires fulfilment, document processing or integration of two data services and beyond. Define and apply rules to generate and trigger alerts/notifications based on any aspect of your business process.

What can i use it

Unlocks Low-code Limitations by Allowing Custom Business Logic to be Applied to Your Devum App

Some of the world's leading technology and SaaS companies use microservice architecture and it's clear to see why. Using microservices has numerous benefits, including:

  • Conducive to being low maintenance and easy to test,
  • Loosely coupled, allowing for greater performance and flexibility,
  • Microservices are independently deployable,
  • Can be orientated around the business model or logic, and
  • Can be managed and owned by a small team.

Devum Microservices will enable rapid, frequent delivery of incremental software updates and improvements thus allowing your Devum app to rapidly evolve as your business requirements change in a low-risk environment.

How can it help-01

The Magic Functions

Microservice Construction Simplified Using Our Specialised Interfaces

Devum Microservices SDK provides two elegant interfaces, namely Charvaka Function and Charvaka Reactive Function for professional developers to extend the Devum platform even further.

Developers can utilise these specific interfaces to implement any required business logic, or write mission-critical code, to ultimately bring significant impact and customisation across the Devum-built solution.  

The Magic Function-01
Traditional Low-code Platforms
  • Limitations in application functionality
  • Does not meet exact business requirements
  • Non user-friendly customisation or no SDK provided
Devum with Microservices
  • Empowers complete customisation of platform and end solution
  • Allows for precise matching of business requirements
  • Easy to use and comprehensive SDK included

All of the Low-code Benefits, None of the Low-code Limitations

Using Devum’s Microservices Framework, professional developers are no longer required to write complex boilerplate code. Instead, they can define their custom logic and deploy these images to the cloud (or even closer to the machine where they are intended to be running). 

Low-code platforms are generally perceived as inflexible and limited by professional developers. Devum’s platform and SDK have been carefully crafted to address this and empower developers with the means to influence any part of the app and solutions without cutting any corners or compromising on power and flexibility.

The SDK allows for customisation of the entire functional behaviour of your solution to truly unlock open-ended customisability and freedom.

Key Features

Devum’s Microservices and SDK have been designed to empower developers to extend the power of Devum even further and unlock infinite possibilities for your Devum-built apps.


Safe and Scalable

Build the microservice and easily deploy it using Devum Console and scale it horizontally with its inherent load balancing support.


SDK Documentation

Developers can create their own Microservices using Java or Scala using our comprehensive Software Development Kit and user-friendly tutorials.


Development Languages

Professional developers can generate *.proto files using their preferred programming language compiler i.e., C#, Python or any language supported by .proto (building gRPC service).


Deployment Location Flexibility

Custom microservices can be deployed locally, remotely or anywhere and still interact in the same way as if it is locally deployed.


Simplified for Developers

When new business logic is required, a developer only needs to understand how to create Fluent functions, without the domain knowledge. These services can then be used by business teams in multiple places as apps, dashboards or reports.


Faster Communication

Protos are faster than REST because of communication over HTTP/2 (gRPC is faster than REST).